The Secure Product Fingerprint is a patented solution developed by the Bosch research team in China. Its primary function is to ensure product authenticity. Based on computer vision and AIoT technologies, it takes a “fingerprint” of a product and stores it in the cloud. This unique “fingerprint” is either an assigned QR code enhanced with micro-features or a snapshot of one particular area of a product’s surface. 

Using a smartphone, customers can then scan the QR code label or the designated area of the product itself and verify the product’s authenticity by comparing it to the sample stored in the cloud. This can be done via a dedicated app, WeChat, or a standard QR code scanner.


 Bosch.IO is the subsidiary of Bosch Group. Bosch.IO is the subsidiary of Bosch Group. As a leading IoT provider, we have more than ten years domain-specific knowledge and we know how to support companies that are transforming themselves digitally. We now connect about 10 million devices through Bosch IoT Suite, and cover the industries including retail, energy, building, industry, consumer, agriculture and mobility.